The Best Free Cydia Tweaks For iOS 14 – iOS 16 | Ultimate Cydia, Sileo, Tweaks & Repos Sources [2023 Latest]
Go Beyond The Boundaries!
Your iOS device has unexploited super powers, and so do you! You can express your inner creativity with Ultimate Cydia Tweaks and provide your devices powerful functionality and customization possibilities.
Top Cydia And Sileo Tweaks For iOS 15 – iOS 16.2 iPhone / iPad You Should Try!
Are you looking for a list of the best cydia repo list with Cydia repo download for iOS? Cheers! You’ve come to the right place. XinaA15 jailbreak and Palera1n jailbreak tweaks and sources for iOS 15 and iOS 16.2. The top iOS 15 Sileo Jailbreak Tweaks are available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
🚀 Top Cydia and Sileo Tweaks for Dopamine Jailbreak »
🚀 Top Cydia and Sileo Tweaks for XinaA15 Jailbreak »
🚀 Top Cydia and Sileo Tweaks for Palera1n Jailbreak »
🚀 Top Cydia and Sileo Tweaks for Fugu15 Max Jailbreak »
Here is a collection of some of the best cydia tweaks iOS free for your jailbroken iOS device to provide you an amazing user experience. A jailbroken iPhone or iPad without tweaks is similar to a car without an engine. So let’s get started on the Ultimate cydia repository list and best new cydia tweaks journey.
Ultimate iOS Repo Collection For Cydia / Sileo / Zebra
The best 70+ Cydia repos for jailbroken devices in 2023. For the jailbreak community looking for tweaks, iOS Repo Updates provided this collection of Cydia sources. Updates from the Cydia iOS Repository for jailbroken iPod, iPad, or iPhone. You may add the rootless repo list to your favorite package manager, Cydia, Sileo, Installer, or Zebra, with just one touch using the fast links provided in this iOS Repo Updates bundle.
Best Sources Repos List For iOS 📱
Best Rootless Repo List For iOS
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How To Install Package Managers
Package managers are an essential component of the iOS jailbreaking experience. They act as APT frontends, which essentially means that they serve as an App Store for tweaks. With package managers, you can browse through various repositories or sources and download tweaks, apps, and other software for your jailbroken device.
While different jailbreaks come bundled with different package managers, Cydia is by far the most popular and widely used among the jailbreaking community. If you’re new to jailbreaking, understanding package managers is an important first step in getting the most out of your jailbroken device.
🔹 Sileo is a modern package manager designed for iOS 11 and up, with a clean interface and fast performance.
🔹 Cydia is one of the oldest and most well-known package managers for jailbroken iOS devices. It has been around since the early days of jailbreaking and is still widely used today.
🔹 Zebra is a lightweight and speedy package manager that supports a wide range of jailbreaks. It has a modern and customizable interface and is a popular alternative to Sileo and Cydia.
🔹 Saily is a newer package manager designed to be a faster and more lightweight alternative to Cydia. It’s gaining popularity among jailbreak users who want a streamlined package manager with a modern design.
Make Your Device Unique!

Medusa Tweak Multitasking on iPhones
Medousa tweak enables iPad style multitasking with rootless jailbreak tweaks for jailbroken devices.

Dynamic Stage Tweak
Dynamic Stage Repo iOS 14 – iOS 15 to install multitasking tweaks for iPhone and iPad.

Zetsu Tweak For Multitasking
Install Zetsu tweak for multitasking on jailbroken iPhones and iPads running iOS 14 and 15.

AIM Tweak For iOS 16
AIM tweak enables iOS 16 Lock Screen widgets, Lock Screen time styles with Cydia, Sileo and Zebra package managers.

BioProtect XS For iOS 15 – iOS 16
BioProtect XS is an iOS 12 – iOS 16 tweak that protects your apps with Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode.

CarBridge Tweak For iOS
CarBridge app to access all your favorite apps on your CarPlay and play YouTube anyway.

NFCWriter XS Tweak For OS 16 – iOS 15
NFCWriter XS Tweak unlocks advanced features of your iPhone’s NFC Chip to scan, write, copy, format, and emulate.

AudioRecorder XS For iOS 15 – iOS 16
AudioRecorder XS tweak for high-quality recording iPhone Call and System Audios.

Ultrasound Tweak For iOS 15.1.1 – iOS 11
Ultrasound tweak for iOS Volume HUD replacement. It can allow the volume level and percentage to be adjusted while the screen is off.

Veza Tweak For Customize Lock Screen
Veza tweak iOS 15.1.1 – 11 for adds Control Center shortcuts and toggles directly to the Lock Screen

Choicy Tweak For iOS 15 – iOS 11
Choicy tweak is an advanced configurator for iOS. Choicy allows you to unlock hidden features and customizations.

Crane Jailbreak Tweak
Crane jailbreak tweak for iOS 11 to iOS 16 to create multiple accounts to any iOS app.

CopyLog Tweak For iOS 15.7.1 – iOS 11
CopyLog Tweak is a ‘Powerful Clipboard History Manager’ for iPhone and iPad devices.

Checkl0ck Tweak FaceID / TouchID
Biometric verification for third-party apps and Apple default apps to jailbroken devices(iOS 13, 14, 15 and 16).

Velvet Tweak For iOS 15 – 14
Velvet jailbreak tweak allows for the addition of widgets, cosmetic appearance of notifications, lock-screen notifications, and more.

Satella 2 iOS 15 Jailbreak Tweak
Satella Jailed: iOS LocalIAPStore Alternative and in-app purchase checker for iPhone and iPad.

Watusi 3 For Whatsapp Tweak
WhatsApp’s unlimited customizations are available with the Watusi 3 jailbreak tweak.

Dodo Tweak For iOS 15 [2023]
Dodo tweak is the best way for you to customize the appearance of your iPhone Lock Screen.
NotiSound Tweak – Customize Notification Sounds For All iOS Apps
You may individually customize a customized notification sound for each iOS app that is installed with the NotiSound tweak. For iMessages, SMS messages, phone conversations, calendar events, FaceTime calls, phone calls, and Reminders, among other things, you may specify different sound notifications. The NotiSound tweak works with iOS 13 to iOS 15.7.1.
NotiSound Tweak Features
✅ Unique notification sounds that can be turned on or off freely.
✅ Selecting the custom notification sound that you would like to use
✅ NotiSound tweak custom sounds – Timba / Boing / Bark / Summit / Strum / Stargaze / Alert / Percussion / Apex / Got it done / Hasty
✅ You may import and utilize your own customized notification sounds from the preference pane. Whatever sounds you import will be saved in /Library/Application Support/NotiSound.
You may configure basic sound notifications for each app with NotiSound. Your personal audio files in MP3 and M4R formats can be imported. When the Configure Applications column is tapped, a list of installed applications is displayed for customized settings. No need to spring after changes.
When you touch on a certain app, NotiSound will show you a list of all your possibilities. You may choose a specific app to enable custom sound notifications and set a custom sound out from the built-in library. Ringtones may also be imported directly or through importing a file.
This helpful NotiSound tweak was well-developed by Elias Sfeir, it now lets you configure unique vibrating patterns for every app. The number of vibrations can be specified in a field if this option is enabled. This modification works with current jailbreak versions of iOS 13, iOS 14, and Palera1n jailbreak for iOS 15.
The Havoc Repository offers the paid bundle known as NotiSound. You may install the tweak to adjust notification sounds for individual apps by adding the NotiSound Repo to your package manager.
✅ NotiSound Tweak Repo URL:

FLEXList Tweak – Wrapper Tool For FLEX Tool
Install the most recent version of the FLEXList tweak if you want to start creating tweaks for iOS 15 that work with the Palera1n jailbreak and XinaA15 jailbreaks. This is a fantastic FLEX utility wrapper tool that works with iOS 15 – iOS 15.7.1.
A wrapper tool called FLEXList for FLEX Tool enables you to debug iOS and hook into the operating system and applications to make custom changes and tweaks without using an API. All iOS devices up to and including iOS 14 are compatible with this app, and the most recent version also supports iOS 15’s freshest jailbreaks.
When the FLEXList tweak is installed, the Settings app has a special preference window where you may customize all of the settings. FLEXTools (5.22.10) as well as FLEXTool (3.1.2) may be switched between, or the modification can be enabled for particular apps.
The FLEXList tweak is an excellent tool for locating system components that are not exposed by the standard API. In basic, you may choose a screen element to explore its details. You may create a hook into a particular property in this manner to modify it.
Many features are available with FLEX. This FLEXList toolkit for jailbreak tweaks allows you to examine views in the hierarchical system, view the properties of any object, customize several properties dynamically, FLEXList can add keyboard shortcuts for the simulator, and availability of any live object by scanning the heap. There is no alternative for saving and executing changes immediately in the FLEXList tweak because it is intended for developers. There are some helpful features because there is a great deal of data available, which can be overpowering.
The FLEXList tweak was provided as a free package through the Netskao Private Repository. You may modify iOS 15 by debugging it and adding FLEXList Repo from your package manager. This is a fantastic tool for iOS 15 tweak creation.
✅ FLEXList Tweak Repo URL:
Crane Tweak – Multiple Accounts Can Be Added To Any iOS App
An iOS application may now enable running several accounts simultaneously container management with the Crane jailbreak tweak. Crane is now compatible with iOS 15 – iOS 15.7.1 for the most recent Palera1n jailbreak. How frequently have you wished that an app would allow you to operate two or more accounts all at once without having to switch between them? You can do it with every application by generating numerous containers for each one, thanks to the Crane tweak for iOS 11 through iOS 15.
Due to the integration between Crane and Choicy, you may provide particular container tweak configurations which will be used in place of the standard Choicy setup while the container is active. The same developer that contributed the TrollStore IPA installer, @opa334, is credited for both tweaks.
Crane Tweak Features
✅ Configure Crane for certain apps on your device on an individual basis.
✅ Create different types of user accounts.
Your data stays in place.
✅ Distinct keychains.
✅ Choosing on the active container.
✅ Set up names for every container.
✅ Set up a regular container.
✅ Take a backup or remove the container data.
✅ Turn on or off program shortcuts.
✅ Choose a container, and then immediately start the app.
✅ Inject Crane even if an app is started in safe mode.
✅ SpringBoard integration.
✅ Notification support.
✅ Integrated backup manager.
✅ Slices imports.
✅ Separate system accounts and Game center support.
✅ Activator / Shortcuts integration.
✅ Choicy integration.
✅ Third party integration (libCrane).
Without a doubt, Crane may be helpful in a variety of situations. Those who use multiple accounts for many of their apps will find the tweak to be a useful tool that saves time and effort. Crane tweak is a paid package that was made available and costs $4.99 from the Havoc Repository. Install the tweak and add Crane Repo into your package manager.
✅ Crane Tweak Repo URL:
Amelija Tweak – Neat Blur Effects To Your Wallpaper On iOS
You may quickly set a customized blur on your Lock Screen as well as Home Screen wallpaper with the free jailbreak tweak Amelija. The ability to apply 8 various blur effects makes this a really nice tool for customizing the appearance of any wallpaper.
Amelija Tweak Features – Custom blurs for your LockScreen / Custom blurs for your HomeScreen.
When Amelija tweak is loaded, the Settings app gains a special preference panel in which you can customize all of the available settings. For both the wallpaper that appears on the Home Screen and Lock Screen, you may adjust the blur settings from this.
Amelija Tweak Blur Effects – Epic / Dark / Light / Adaptive/ Prominent / System thin material / System chrome material / System ultra thin material.
Some of your eyes are drawn away from the wallpaper image by the blurred look. Also, a slider lets you adjust the blur effect’s level of opacity. Luki120 created the Amelija tweak, which includes a setting to enable blur only when receiving notifications. There is no requirement to restart your iPhone in order to view the wallpaper effect because all filters are implemented in real time.
You may get the source code for Amelija tweak from the GitHub Repository. Amelija tweak was made available as an open source patch under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. Object-C and Logos were mostly used to write the modification. For the purpose of adding new features for Amelija tweak, contributions seem more than encouraged.
✅ Amelija Tweak Repo URL:

Ampere Tweak – iOS 16 Battery Level Indicator For iOS 14+
The battery level indicator that appears in the right corner of an iPhone screen has a new design with iOS 16. Simple in style, it shows battery % and changes color according to the battery level. For jailbreaking, Ampere clones such functionalities.
On iOS 14 and iOS 15, the Ampere jailbreak tweak makes it possible to use the iOS 16 battery level indicator. uses advanced colors for everyday usage and green during charging. Low power mode uses yellow. Ampere tweak works with every current jailbreak, including Palera1n jailbreak, which is compatible with iOS 15.0 to iOS 15.7.1.
Ampere tweak provides a specific customization pane towards the Settings app after installation, allowing you to customize all settings to your taste. Now you may choose the fill colors for the Normal, Charging, among Low Power modes as well as the size and color of the percentage text.
Depending on the real background, Ampere tweak changes the battery’s color dynamically from white to black. Ampere tweak is a Status Bar-based change that displays a numeric battery level %, unlike most of the other similar tweaks like Juice tweak, which are based on the core iOS 16 design.
The font size is the single change between the tweak’s battery status bar and the one that comes with iOS 16; yet, in my opinion, Ampere’s smaller design is cleaner and fits better within the battery symbol. The battery icon’s color and text size will likely be adjustable in the tweak’s upcoming version. There aren’t any setup options at the moment.
The modification shows the battery level indication together with the actual % charge remaining in the battery. The color of the battery also varies. Recently, MTACS released the source code for the Ampere modification on GitHub with an MIT license. The programming languages Objective-C and Logos were used to create it.
You may use your preferred package manager app to get the Ampere repository for free by downloading it from the Havoc repository.
✅ Ampere Tweak Repo URL:
Choicy Tweak – Advanced Tweak Configurator For iOS
Choicy tweak is a powerful tweak configurator for iOS that is sometimes mistaken for a tool to evade jailbreak detection. Instead of the other way around, it functions more as a tool to limit access to other items’ programs and customizations. Choicy just received an update that added support for iOS 15.
On a while, crashing might occur when tweaks are installed on a jailbroken device to change system or App Store apps. For iOS 10 and higher, a program like Choicy tweak allows you to separately setup tweak injection for daemons and apps.
Once installed, Choicy tweak gives the Settings app a special preference pane where you can access all of the options and manually set up tweak injection for each program and daemon. Use it to make a whitelist or blacklist of modified injections that are permitted. The creator of the Choicy tweak is @opa334, who is also famous for the TrollStore IPA installer. Choicy tweak comes as no surprise that this sophisticated iOS modification configurator was also made available as an open source project.
✅ Choicy Tweak Repo URL:
Divise – Tethered downgrade Dualboot Tool For iOS
A tethered downgrade is feasible on supported devices thanks to the Divise tweak, an on-device utility that lets you run two iOS operating systems simultaneously. Tethered simply indicates that a computer is required to start the second system. The advantage is that SHSH blobs are not necessary.
Divise tweak on-device tethered downgrade – dualboot program, which supports A7 – A11 devices, is built on Sequence Restore as well as the checkm8 bootrom vulnerability. As a result, every iPhone starting with the iPhone 5S (A5 chip) and going through the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (A11 chip) may be exploited and running a dual-boot iOS system.
The Divise tweak was made available as a free download through to the Chariz Repository. Install the iOS 10.3 up to iOS 14.7 on-device tethered downgrade – dualboot tool by adding Divise Repo to your package manager. By replacing the existing iOS installation with an available for download root filesystem image, the Divise program from Matthew Pierson can implement a tethered downgrade on arm64 devices. Until a signed iOS/iPadOS version is restored, the main OS would be removed, trying to prevent any untethered booting!
✅ Divise Tweak Repo URL:
DrainCheck Battery Monitoring Tweak
iPhone owners take battery life extremely seriously, which is one of the reasons iDB previously offered a jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Ginsu called DrainCheck. When you use Do Not Disturb when you sleep or after switching to Low Power Mode, for example, DrainCheck keeps track of how much battery life is being used. It then creates a report so you can see how much battery you lost throughout that timeframe.
DrainCheck recently made a major change to version 3.0. In addition to being entirely rewritten in Swift, the jailbreak tweak was given a stunning facelift by graphic designer @bank5ia, the same person behind the incredible Sydney jailbreak tweak for personalizing the contents of Apple’s original Wallet app.
Users now have access to a more aesthetically attractive report that shows battery consumption over various time intervals. For instance, the screenshot below shows that the battery declined by 2% between 17:27 and 17:40, lasting 12 minutes and 53 seconds. You can select the trigger that starts battery monitoring and turn the tweak on and off as needed while configuring DrainCheck.
✅ DrainCheck Battery Monitoring Tweak Repo URL :
Cardculator Tweak
A tweak like Cardculator should be installed if you frequently perform calculations on your shopping mode iPhone or iPad or if you regularly require quick and easy access to a calculator. A floating calculator window that runs on top of other apps enables multitasking.
It is compatible with all current jailbreaks running iOS 14 to iOS 14.8. When Cardculator is installed, the Settings app gains a new preference pane where you may customize any setting. Choose the desired appearance from a card, card alt, stock, or square, specify moving speed, allow snap to corners, or toggle the adjustment on/off as needed.
Simply swipe anywhere from the corner of your screen to open the small calculator. Enabling a Control Center module from the Settings app is another way to start the calculator app. Your iDevice will receive a new button that can be swiftly pressed to launch the Cardculator hack.

✅ Cardculator Tweak Repo URL:
Date Bar
If you’re looking to give your iPhone’s Status Bar a more accurate time display, then believe there’s a possibility that you would enjoy the date bar jailbreak tweak, which was just made available for free by iOS developer ElioFegh. The new date bar jailbreak tweak only swaps out the default time display for one that all at once displays the date and time. The updated jailbreak tweak for the date bar is compatible with iOS 11 and iOS 14.8.1
✅ Date Bar Tweak Repo URL:

UISwitch Changer
With the UISwitch Changer jailbreak tweak, you can add a splash of any color to the toggle switches on your iPhone. Designers believe there is a significant probability that you will be interested in a new and free jailbreak tweak, UISwitch Changer by iOS developer ElioFegh, if you’re looking for a jailbreak tweak that quickly customizes your pwned device.
UISwitch Changer jailbreak tweak features are,
⭐ The system toggle switches on your device can be colored to go with your theme or personal style.
⭐ With UISwitch Changer, the Settings app gains a special preference pane where you can customize the settings to your desires.
⭐ Choose a main color for the background of the switch.
⭐ Set the switch’s grabber to a secondary color.
⭐ To save the adjustments you made, restart your device.
The modification works with iOS 12, 13, and 14 jailbroken devices. The Alderis Color Picker, dependent from the Chariz repository, a contemporary interpretation of the color picker interface, is used by UISwitch Changer. As a result, you have the option of choosing any pre-set hue you choose or exploring a seemingly endless range of colors. With UISwitch Changer jailbreak tweak choices are really limitless.
✅ UISwitch Changer Tweak Repo URL:
Shadow Tweak iOS – Jailbreak Detection Bypass Tweak For iOS
How many times have you tried to start an app, only to be told that doing so poses a security risk for your jailbroken device? To launch applications on your iPhone, you may avoid jailbreak detection by using the Shadow tweak. Using shadow tweak iOS 13 / shadow tweak iOS 14 and shadow tweak iOS 15 with the most updated jailbreak.
You may adjust the jailbreak detection bypass feature using a shadow tweak jailbreak. Most of the time, it’s not necessary unless a certain hook is causing programs to crash. For ease of comprehension, the hooks are divided into three categories: required hooks, suggested hooks, and additional hooks.
✅ Shadow Tweak Repo URL:

Satella 2 + Satella Jailed – A Jailed in-app Purchase Cracker For iOS
Satella 2 and Satella Jailed are the famous iOS 15 iAP purchase crackers for iOS. The most well-known creators of iOS app cracking tools including Cydia tweaks are Paisseon and JulioVerne. In-app purchase cracker Satella 2 tweak by Paisseon tries to make a purchase inside an official App Store app then fakes that transaction.
The most recent version of a popular in-app purchase cracker, satella 2 tweak supports iOS 12.2 to iOS 15.6. You can quickly unlock more features for free in any program that offers in-app purchases by using this Satella modification. It was made to function with all current jailbreaks.
When installed, the Settings app gains a special preference pane in which you can customize any setting. The modification has three different settings: on, global injection, and only function with certain programs. An app has to be open to local purchases in order to be cracked.
✅ Satella 2 Tweak Repo URL:
SugarCane13 for iOS 14
SugarCane is a helpful tweak which adds percentages to modules within your control center, including battery as well as volume indications. When altering the volume with the side buttons, it really is helpful to have a visual representation of the numerical number connected with your volume level.
✅ SugarCane13 Repo URL:

FlipControlCenter does have the top Cydia tweaks for iOS 10.2 jailbreak. Apple’s default Control Centre on iOS is really quite limited, and it’s shocking that you can’t add or delete custom toggles. However, the FlipControlCentre tweaks offer this much-desired functionality to jailbreak iOS devices, allowing users to add, delete, and rearrange additional toggles such as Cellular data, Low power, as well as Personal Hotspot.
In the Control center’s bottom panel, you may also add, delete, and rearrange applications. It also includes some useful features for adjusting the amount of toggles on a page based on device orientation.
✅ FlipControlCenter Repo URL:
Grupi tweak for iOS 13 collects all of your app alerts into a single folder. By tapping on the icons, you may enlarge it. When holding down the icons and hitting the red ‘x’ that appears, you may select to hide the notifications from particular applications.
✅ Grupi Repo URL:
PowerDown Cydia tweak is jailbreak-compatible with iOS 10.2. The “Slide to Power Off” option is only displayed by the iOS shutdown menu by default. So can restart your iPhone by simultaneously pressing the Home and Power buttons, although this isn’t the most practical method.
PowerDown has three new sliders beneath the standard “Slide to Power Off” – Reboot, Respring, and Safe mode. This Respiring option refreshes the Springboard which is often handy when installing or uninstalling new Cydia tweaks. The safe mode feature might be handy for troubleshooting difficulties with such a particular Jailbreak tweak.
✅ PowerDown Repo URL:

Auxo 3
Auxo 3 free repo is just a Cydia tweak that is supported with the auxo 3 ios 12 and auxo 3 ios 13 jailbreak. Auxo 3 tweak is utilized with multitasking. Auxo 3 has three key features: Multi-Center, Quick Switcher, and Hot Corners.
Control Center is transformed into an extra card in the Multitasking panel using Multi-Center, Quick Switcher makes moving between recent apps quicker by dragging your finger, while Hot Corners allows for faster navigating between the app switcher, lock screen, as well as Home screen.
✅ Auxo Repo URL:
App Drawer Tweak
App drawer tweak jailbreak is an iOS app drawer that looks like it’s from Android. Providing quick and simple navigation to an alphabetized list of all installed programs, place the AppDrawer icon anywhere you wish. Support for WinterBoard is one of iOS app drawer tweak’s features. App drawer tweak iOS 14 you get to choose which apps go into your app drawer (hide them in Settings), Create a separate “Favorites” tab for your preferred programs. a lovely, natural-looking UI, Springboard icons should be hidden.
✅ App drawer Repo URL:
Home Gesture
Among the best iOS 12 jailbreak tweaks is Home Gesture, Home gesture download no jailbreak provides iPhone X motions to earlier devices. For example, you can access multitask by swiping up, and you can access the control center by swiping down from the top right corner of your iPhone. Furthermore, if you slide up from the lock screen, you may input the passcode from home gesture tweak iOS.
✅ Home Gesture Repo URL:
Nice Notes
NiceNotes allows you to completely customize the basic Notes app. Have you ever wished for a dark mode in Notes? Therefore this modification is for you. The default settings provide a beautiful darkmode, but you may change them to suit your needs. NiceNotes allows you to choose the background color, text color, tint color, and other settings.
✅ Nice Notes Repo URL:
SmartLPM(Smart Low Power Mode)
By having turned on low power mode while your phone is plugged in, the Smartlpm cydia tweak helps make your low power mode even more efficient. It will be able to charge the phone’s battery faster. It makes intelligent low power mode for iPhone.
✅ SmartLPM Repo URL:
Cylinder Reborn 4
The classic cylinder tweak modification has been reborn in Cylinder Reborn. Whenever you swipe between pages on your iPhone’s Home screen, this tweak adds new engaging page animations. You may use unique animations to add a little excitement to your phone’s monotonous duties, or you can delete them totally for a cleaner look.
Although this tweak isn’t required to change your iPhone’s experience, it’s a fantastic starting point for jailbroken iPhone customization. This is only the start of what you can accomplish.

✅ Cylinder Reborn Repo URL:
Jailbreakers are lucky in that modifying a device outside of standard restrictions enables us to have a battery percentage in the Status Bar’s battery level indication as well, even when using a notched device and without updating to iOS 16.
This function has been made possible by several jailbreak tweaks that have been made available in the past, but in light of the new iOS 16 feature, we will now highlight a brand-new, cost-free release from iOS developer Sugiuta called PLBattery.
By adding the battery percentage instantly to the battery level indicator icon, PLBattery tweak gives you access to a numeric percentage as well as a visual representation of the battery percentage.
✅ PLBattery Repo URL:
Best Rootless Repo List For iOS
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How To Add Cydia Repo/Sources to Cydia on Your iPhone
Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to add new Cydia sources to your Cydia app; we’ll walk you through it. It’s really quite simple, and I’ll show you how to properly add repositories to your Cydia sources. A large number of helpful Cydia tweaks are available just for you.

Step 1 – Launch Cydia and go to the Sources tab.
Step 2 – Go to the app’s right-hand corner and tap the Edit button.
Step 3 – In the left corner of the screen, tap the Add button.
Step 4 – Enter the URL then tap the Add Source button.
Step 5 – Cydia will automatically update all repositories.
There are two possibilities for why Cydia did not discover the repository. First, you may have used the incorrect APT Cydia URL, or the repository may be temporarily unavailable. We give links to Cydia repositories, and when you copy and paste, the new repo will be added to Cydia Sources automatically.
How To Add Sileo Repo/Sources To Sileo?
Step 1 – Open Sileo on your jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Step 2 – Now go to sources
Step 3 – Tap + in the top right corner.
Step 5 – Copy and paste the URL of the repo from the below list.
Step 6 – Tap Add Source.
Now, with the best cydia tweaks iOS, you can supercharge your jailbroken iPhone.
It’s time to start personalizing your iPhone now that you’ve loaded some of the greatest jailbreak tweaks. With these modifications, you can tailor your iPhone experience to your specific tastes.
What Is The Cydia App On an iPhone?
The Cydia app store is a third-party program that can be found online. This cydia app install allows you to use premium features, ++apps, and games that aren’t accessible for free for your iPhone device! With your iPhone, you can download a limitless number of apps, hacked games, and other features.
You’re probably wondering why you need the Cydia app if you already get the App Store on your iPhone. The cydia download free, on the other hand, offers more advantages than the App Store. Apps which are not offered on the App Store can also be found through the cydia app iOS. The App Store’s app collection compares to cydia apps list’s every app, game, or feature is available for download and use through the cydia app download iOS 15.
What Are Cydia Sources iOS And Cydia Repository?
Cydia sources list and cydia repo download are similar to the libraries where developers release their apps, features,tweaks, add-ons, widgets, themes and customizations. To download the application, you only need to link your Cydia app to that Cydia source. You’re probably thinking that connecting the Cydia app to sources is going to be tricky. However, making a link is pretty simple.
When the integration is finished, you will be able to use all of the applications and download thousands of amazing game collections that you desire. There are no limitations on upgrading your iPhone.