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Best SpringBoard Tweak Injection Tools [No Jailbreak]

Best SpringBoard Tweak Injection Tools No Jailbreak

The best collection of SpringBoard Tweak Injection Tools for iOS 14.0 to iOS 17.0 on iPhone and iPad. Download the SpringBoard Tweak Injection tool using Sileo or Zebra and install jailbreak tweaks on A12+ devices without the need for jailbreaking.

01. RootHide Bootstrap for iOS 14.0 – iOS 17.0

RootHide Bootstrap is a SpringBoard Tweak Injection Tool, offering a comprehensive Bootstrap for iOS 14.0-17.0. It supports devices ranging from A8 to A17, including M1 and M2.”

Install RootHide Bootstrap effortlessly by utilizing TrollStore or TrollStore 2, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

RootHide Bootstrap IPA empowers you to apply jailbreak tweaks to nearly all apps, encompassing springboard tweaks for the Home Screen, Lock Screen, Control Center, and Status Bar.

Enjoy the flexibility of integrating various sources into Sileo or Zebra, facilitating an easy and customizable tweak installation process.

RootHide Bootstrap for iOS 14.0 - iOS 17.0

Download RootHide Bootstrap for TrollStore »

02. Serotonin SpringBoard Tweak Injection for iOS 16 – iOS 16.6.1

Serotonin is a semi-jailbreak solution for A12+ devices, providing SpringBoard tweak injection capabilities for iOS 16.2 – 16.6.1. 

Serotonin jailbreak, supported by TrollStore 2, is an advanced SpringBoard toolbox designed for arm64e devices operating on iOS 16.2 through 16.6.1. It ensures compatibility with a broad range of devices, from iPhone XS to iPhone 14.

The Serotonin SpringBoard tweak toolbox facilitates the installation of jailbreak tweaks, transforming the aesthetics and functionalities of the Lock Screen, Home Screen, and Control Center. Importantly, Serotonin achieves this without requiring a jailbroken environment.

Serotonin SpringBoard Tweak Injection for iOS 16 - iOS 16.6.1

Download Serotonin Jailbreak »

03. LittleRoot SpringBoard Tweak Injection for iOS 16

LittleRoot Tweak Injector is an upcoming application that enables tweak injection in Springboard and apps on iOS devices.

The LittleRoot IPA is compatible with iOS 16.4.1-16.6 and modern A12+ devices with Sileo support. The LittleRoot application achieves Springboard tweak injection, enabling customization of the home layout, widgets, lock screen, notifications, fonts, and sounds.

LittleRoot Tweak Injector

Download LittleRoot Tweak Injector »

04. KFDmineek SpringBoard Tweak Injection for iOS 16

KFDmineek IPA offers tweak injection support specifically designed for arm64e devices. Compatibility assured with KFD Landa and CoreTrust 2 exploits running on iOS 16.

KFDmineek seamlessly integrates with RootHide Bootstrap for an automated tweak injection process. Empowers users with a hassle-free experience in enhancing their SpringBoard.

Users can effortlessly integrate jailbreak tweaks into their SpringBoard. KFDmineek provides a cutting-edge solution for a seamless and enhanced iOS experience.

KFDmineek SpringBoard Tweak Injection for iOS 16.png

Download KFDmineek IPA »

05. Melatonin SpringBoard Tweak Injection Tool

Melatonin springBoard tweak injection tool provides a jailbreak alternative for iOS 16.0 to iOS 17.3. Melatonin tweak injection relies on the PurePKG package manager for efficient tweak management.

SpringBoard Tweak Injection Support TrollStore 2

Effortlessly install RootHide Bootstrap IPA, Serotonin jailbreak IPA, LittleRoot IPA, and KFDmineek IPA using the TrollStore 2 IPA installer. Enjoy full compatibility on iOS 15.0 – 16.6.1 and iOS 17.0, enabling advanced tweak injection to enhance your iOS experience.”

In conclusion, the SpringBoard Tweak Injection jailbreak is a game-changer for iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1 and iOS 17.0 on A12+ devices, including popular models like iPhone 11 and iPhone 13. This innovative combination of TrollStore 2, RootHide Bootstrap, and the SpringBoard Tweak Injection app offers a unique jailbreak-like experience. With tweaks seamlessly working, even within the SpringBoard, and features like Sileo, a genuine bootstrap, and more, it transforms your iOS device, providing unparalleled customization and functionality.