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Dopamine IPA Jailbreak Download For iOS 16.6 – iOS 15.0 | Semi-Untethered Permasigned iOS 15 Jailbreak

Dopamine is a semi-untethered jailbreak that enables customization of your iOS 15 – iOS 16 device with Sileo or Zebra and rootless tweaks. 

Developed by Opa334dev (Lars Fröder), Dopamine is the rebranded version of Fugu15 Max, tailored for A12+ devices. It offers enhanced tweak injection features through ElleKit on iOS 15.

Dopamine 2.0 Jailbreak IPA has officially been released for iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1, and you can download the latest Dopamine Jailbreak IPA from this page.

Download Dopamine IPA Jailbreak For iOS 15.4 - iOS 15.4.1

Download Dopamine 2 IPA For iOS 15.0 – 16.6.1

Download & Install Dopamine IPA For iOS 15.0 – 15.4.1

Download & Install Dopamine IPA For iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1

Install Dopamine IPA For iOS 17 – iOS 17.4

Dopamine Jailbreak Compatibility

Dopamine 2 Jailbreak Supported iOS Versions

Dopamine 2 jailbreak works on A12 and newer devices.

  • iOS 15.0 to 15.4.1: Supported in the first version.
    iOS 15.0, iOS 15.0.1, iOS 15.0.2, iOS 15.1, iOS 15.1.1, iOS 15.2, iOS 15.2.1, iOS 15.3, iOS 15.3.1, iOS 15.4, iOS 15.4.1.
  • iOS 15.5 to 16.5: Supports A12 to A14 devices.
    iOS 15.5, iOS 15.6, iOS 15.6.1, iOS 15.7, iOS 15.7.1, iOS 15.7.2, iOS 15.7.3, iOS 16.0, iOS 16.1, iOS 16.2, iOS 16.3, iOS 16.4, iOS 16.4.1, iOS 16.5.
  • iOS 16.5.1 and 16.6.1: Now supported in the latest update.
  • iOS 16.0 to 16.6: Works on all versions in this range.
    iOS 16.0, iOS 16.0.1, iOS 16.0.2, iOS 16.0.3, iOS 16.1, iOS 16.1.1, iOS 16.1.2, iOS 16.2, iOS 16.3, iOS 16.4, iOS 16.4.1, iOS 16.5, iOS 16.5.1, iOS 16.6.

Dopamine Jailbreak Supported Devices

The Dopamine 2 jailbreak works on many iPhones, iPads, and iPods running iOS 15.0 to 16.6.1.

iPhones Supported

  • A12 to A14 Devices: iOS 15.0 – 16.6
    • iPhone 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max
    • iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max
    • iPhone XS, XS Max, XR
  • A15 to A16 Devices: iOS 15.0 – 16.5
    • iPhone SE (3rd gen)
    • iPhone 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max
    • iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max
  • Older Devices (A9 to A11): iOS 15.0 – 16.6

iPads and iPods Supported

  • A8 to A11 Devices: iPad Air (1st gen), iPad mini 2/3, iPad (5th/6th gen), iPod touch (6th gen).
  • A12 to A16 Devices: iPad mini (5th gen), iPad Air (3rd gen), newer iPad Pro models.

M1 and M2 Devices

Dopamine 2 jailbreak supports Apple’s M1 and M2 chip devices too.

Dopamine 2 jailbreak works on many devices with A8 to A16 and M1/M2 chips. It supports firmware versions iOS 15.0 to 16.6.1.

Dopamine Jailbreak Download for iOS 18.3 – iOS 17

Dopamine Jailbreak works up to iOS 16.6. For iOS 17 and iOS 18, use Dopamine Virtual Jailbreak. It gives iOS 18 customizations safely and easily. Works on all iPhones and iPads with no jailbreak and no PC. Enjoy iOS 18.3 customizations without risk. Great for anyone who wants a no jailbreak method.

How To Download Dopamine IPA

If you’re looking to jailbreak your iPhone running on iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.1 or some betas on A12 – A15, then the Dopamine jailbreak IPA is currently the best tool for the job. This jailbreak app takes advantage of an iOS exploit, making it a reliable option for jailbreaking your iPhone.

To download and install the Dopamine jailbreak IPA, you will need to use the TrollStore IPA Installer on your iPhone device.

How To Install Dopamine IPA On Your iOS Device Using TrollStore: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking to jailbreak your iPhone and customize your device, then the Dopamine IPA is a great option. To install the Dopamine IPA on your iOS device using the TrollStore app, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the TrollStore app on your iOS device. This app is compatible with firmware between iOS 15 up to iOS 15.4.1.

Step 2: Download the Dopamine IPA file and save it on iCloud.

🚀 Download Dopamine IPA – Latest »

Step 3: Share the downloaded Dopamine IPA file with the TrollStore app. 

Step 4: Once the file is loaded into TrollStore, the TrollStore IPA installer will automatically begin the installation process for the Dopamine IPA file.

Step 5: Once the installation is complete, you can access the Dopamine IPA app from your Home Screen.

Install Dopamine IPA On Your iOS Device Using TrollStore

💡 Did you know that you can enhance your Dopamine Jailbreak experience by installing ElleKit and PreferenceLoader? With ElleKit, you’ll have the power of tweak injection, while PreferenceLoader lets you configure your tweak preferences in the Settings app. These packages are easily downloadable from the default Dopamine repositories in Sileo.

Enhance Your Dopamine Jailbreak With ElleKit’s Powerful Tweak Injection

Add ElleKit

Add To Sileo | Add To Zebra | Add To Installer

How To Install Dopamine IPA Using Sideloadly Method

If you’re looking for a guide on how to install Dopamine IPA using Sideloadly, you’ve come to the right place. Sideloadly is a versatile tool that supports both Windows and macOS, making it easy to install apps on your iPhone or iPad without jailbreaking.

To install Dopamine IPA using Sideloadly, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: First, download and install Sideloadly on your computer.

Step 2: Next, download the Dopamine IPA from iExmo and save it on your Desktop.

Step 3: Connect your unlocked iPhone or iPad to your computer.

Step 4: Right-click on the Dopamine IPA file and select “Install” or “Open With Sideloadly”.

Step 5: Sideloadly will now install the Dopamine IPA onto your device. Once the installation is complete, you’ll be able to see the app on your home screen.

Step 6: Finally, open the Dopamine app and press the “Jailbreak” button to complete the installation.

How To Run Dopamine Jailbreak On iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.4.1

If you’re using an iOS device running on iOS 15.0 to 15.4.1, you’ll have to disable your Wi-Fi fully in the Settings app to jailbreak your device. Although you can re-enable it after jailbreaking, you’ll still have to re-disable it each time you want to rejailbreak.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to run the Dopamine Jailbreak on your device:

Step 1: Reboot your device (this step is optional but recommended).

Step 2: Open the Dopamine Jailbreak application from your home screen immediately after rebooting.

Step 3: Tap on “Jailbreak” to start the jailbreaking process.

If the app or your device crashes/restarts unexpectedly and the jailbreak doesn’t get installed, just reboot your device and try running the exploit again until it works.

Once the jailbreak is installed, you’ll see Sileo Nightly on your home screen. You can use this app to install tweaks, themes, and other packages.

While you’re jailbroken with Dopamine Jailbreak at this point, we still need to update and install some packages so that everything can work correctly.

Download Dopamine IPA Jailbreak iOS 15.4 - iOS 15.4.1

Installing Required Software For Dopamine Jailbreak

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install the necessary software for the Dopamine Jailbreak app on your iOS device:

Step 1: Open the Sileo Nightly app on your device.

Step 2: Tap on the “Sources” tab located at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Tap on the “ElleKit” repository, then select “All Categories.”

Step 4: Tap on “Install” to download the software.

Step 5: Tap the “Queued” bar at the bottom of the page to view the installation progress.

Step 6: Once the installation is complete, tap “Confirm.”

Step 7: You’ll be prompted to restart the SpringBoard later; tap the “Restart SpringBoard Later” button.

Step 8: Next, return to the list of repositories on the “Sources” tab.

Step 9: Tap the + button in the top-left corner, then add the repository

Step 10: Once the repository is added, tap on it, and then select “All Categories.”

Step 11: Tap on “Sileo (Nightly Channel).”

Step 12: Tap “Modify,” then tap “Upgrade” to download the latest version.

Step 13: Tap the All Categories button to go back to the previous screen.

Step 14: Tap on “PreferenceLoader.”

Step 15: Tap the “Queued” bar at the bottom of the page to view the installation progress.

Step 15: Once the installation is complete, tap “Confirm.”

Step 17: Finally, you’ll be prompted to restart the SpringBoard again; tap the “Restart SpringBoard” button.

By following these steps, you’ll have all the necessary software installed to use the Dopamine Jailbreak app on your iOS device.

Dopamine Jailbreak Default Package Managers For iOS 15 – 15.4.1 (A12 – A15 )

Sileo Package Manager For Dopamine Jailbreak [Sileo Nightly]

Sileo for iOS 15 is a package manager designed specifically for iOS 11 and above, providing an updated user interface for managing tweaks and themes on your device. It acts as an App Store for all the customizations that are available for your device.

Tweaks for iOS 15 are small modifications that can be installed on your device to customize its appearance and functionality. These tweaks are typically found on repositories, which are online databases that contain a variety of different tweaks for users to browse and install.

Zebra Package Manager For Dopamine Jailbreak

Dopamine is a semi-untethered jailbreak for iOS 15 – 15.4.1 that enables users to install third-party package managers such as Zebra Package Manager. Zebra is a popular choice for jailbreak enthusiasts who are looking for a user-friendly interface and fast performance. 

Zebra for iOS 15 allows users to easily install, manage and update jailbreak tweaks and packages on their devices. Zebra iOS 15 supports a wide range of repositories and is often used as an alternative to Cydia or Sileo. With its compatibility with various iOS versions, Zebra is a great choice for those who have jailbroken their iOS devices using Dopamine jailbreak.

Dopamine 2.0 Jailbreak IPA For iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1

Dopamine Jailbreak 2.0 allows jailbreaking of all modern iOS devices from iOS 15 to iOS 16.6.1, including A12 and newer models.

Created by Lars Fröder, Dopamine Jailbreak 2.0 builds upon Linus Henze’s original Fugu15 concept. It utilizes Sileo as the default package manager and ElleKit for tweak injection.

The Dopamine 2.0 Jailbreak IPA supports arm64 architecture, covering iOS 15.0 to 16.6.1, with compatibility starting from A9 devices. Specifically, it supports iOS 15.0 to 16.5.1 on A12 to A14 devices, and iOS 15.0 to 16.5 on A15 to A16 devices.

Install Dopamine 2.0 Jailbreak iOS 15.0 – iOS 16.6.1 »

Discover Top Repository And Source For Dopamine Jailbreak

When you add a new repository to Sileo, you gain access to all of the tweaks available on that repository. This makes it easy to find and install the specific tweaks that you’re interested in. The search function in Sileo can help you locate tweaks quickly and easily, allowing you to customize your device to your liking.

Dopamine Jailbreak Repo Collection » 

Best Dopamine Rootless Repo List For iOS 

You can find all Dopamine rootless repo, Dopamine rootless repo list, Dopamine rootless tweaks, Dopamine rootless jailbreak tweaks, Dopamine tweak rootless, Dopamine rootless tweak repo, Dopamine rootless jailbreak repo, Dopamine rootless jailbreak repos, Dopamine rootless repos , Dopamine ellekit repo, Fugu15 max repos, iOS 15 rootless tweaks and more.

Dopamine Rootless Tweaks & Repos »

How To Install RootHide Dopamine Jailbreak

RootHide Dopamine Jailbreak Released! RootHide Dopamine Jailbreak tool revolutionizes your iOS experience by integrating jailbreak detection bypass directly into the Dopamine Jailbreak. No need for multiple bypasses anymore.

The RootHide Dopamine Jailbreak is updated to tackle apps that can still detect a jailbroken device. It ensures a seamless experience even with stubborn apps.

If you’re already using the Dopamine Jailbreak, follow these steps. First, reboot your device into a non-jailbroken state, and then re-jailbreak using the new RootHide-based Dopamine jailbreak app.

Once you’ve completed the installation, you’ll find the RootHide app on your Home Screen. This RootHide Dopamine Jailbreak app lets you effortlessly blacklist any apps that you don’t want to detect your jailbreak.

Download RootHide Jailbreak Detection Bypass »

Dopamine Compatibility Tweak List

All the Fugu 15 (Dopamine) compatibility tweak list with rootless tweak support. Complete working Dopamine rootless jailbreak tweaks list for iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.

Top iOS 15 Tweaks [Dopamine Compatible] »

Dopamine Jailbreak: The Official Name for Fugu15 Max Jailbreak

Dopamine is the newly announced official name for the Fugu15 Max jailbreak, created by Lars Fröder (@opa334). This jailbreak is exclusively available for arm64e devices such as the iPhone XS and later models running iOS & iPadOS 15.0 – 15.4.1. The user interface for Dopamine has been enhanced and developed with the assistance of @sourcelocation, bringing a more user-friendly experience to the jailbreak community.

Dopamine Jailbreak: All Confirmed Working Dopamine Rootless Tweaks List

Looking for the best working rootless tweaks for your Dopamine or Fugu15 Max Jailbreak? Look no further! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the confirmed working tweaks that you can install right now. 

Discover The Ultimate List Of Working Rootless Tweaks »

Dopamine KFD Jailbreak

Dopamine 2.0 is in the works to integrate KFD jailbreak exploits into the mainline. However, this process will take some time. In the meantime, an optional Dopamine KFD build is available to bridge the gap, providing support for iOS versions from 15.5b1 to 15.5b3 (excluding iOS 15.5b4).

Derootifier – Rootless Tweak Converter

Are you a fan of rootful jailbreaks but find that your favorite tweaks aren’t yet supported on rootless jailbreaks like Fugu15 Max/Dopamine? iOS developer haxi0 has got you covered with the release of Derootifier, a free utility that aims to make the transition to rootless jailbreaks a breeze. 

Derootifier is a new and free utility that allows users to convert rootful jailbreak tweaks to work on rootless jailbreaks like Fugu15 Max/Dopamine.

This is great news for users who are making the switch to rootless jailbreaks but still want to be able to use their favorite tweaks that haven’t yet been updated to support rootless.

Derootifier claims to be able to “de-rootify” jailbreak tweaks that were originally designed for rootful jailbreaks, making them compatible with rootless jailbreaks.

The Derootifier for iOS 15 utility is easy to use and completely free, making it accessible to all users. If you’re using Fugu15 Max or Dopamine and are struggling to find compatible tweaks, Derootifier could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Download Derootifier Tool: Convert Tweaks For Rootless Support »

How To Update Dopamine Jailbreak Automatically Without Manually Installing

Learn how to update the Dopamine Jailbreak app to the latest version automatically, eliminating the need for manual installation whenever an update is available. This method is free and accessible to all users of the Dopamine Jailbreak app.

Step 1: Open the Dopamine Jailbreak app and look for the “Update Available” notification.

Step 2: Tap on the notification to view the latest available version and the associated changelog.

Step 3: Tap on the “Update” button to start the download process.

Step 4: Wait for the download to complete.

Step 5: Once the download is finished, an installation dialog will appear.

Step 6: Tap on the “Install” button to proceed with the installation.

Step 7: After the installation is complete, open the Dopamine Jailbreak app.

Step 8: Check the app’s version to ensure it has been successfully updated.

That’s it! You have successfully updated the Dopamine Jailbreak app to its latest version using the automatic update method. Enjoy the enhanced features and functionalities.

How To Install XinaA15 And Dopamine Jailbreaks On The Same iOS Device

If you’re a user of the XinaA15 jailbreak for arm64e devices running iOS or iPadOS 15.0-15.1.1, and you’re considering switching to the new rootless Dopamine jailbreak for arm64e devices running iOS or iPadOS 15.0-15.4.1, you’ll be happy to know that it’s safe and easy to install both jailbreaks on the same device and switch between them without any issues.

✅Dopamine = Rootless jailbreak – Not all tweaks support rootless

✅XinaA15 = Mimics rootful environment – Rootful tweaks should work on it

According to Dopamine lead developer Lars Fröder, it’s completely safe to install both XinaA15 and Dopamine on the same device and switch back and forth without any issues.

Installing both jailbreaks will only be possible on A12-A15 chip-equipped devices running iOS or iPadOS 15.0-15.1.1. Any firmware newer than iOS or iPadOS 15.1.1, up to and including iOS or iPadOS 15.4.1, will only be able to use Dopamine.

XinaA15 mimics a rootful environment, making it more compatible with existing jailbreak tweaks that may not have been updated yet to support rootless, while Dopamine is a rootless jailbreak.

You can only boot one jailbreak at a time, but you can switch between XinaA15 and Dopamine without issues.

If you’re not comfortable with installing two jailbreaks on the same device, you can uninstall XinaA15 before attempting to install Dopamine, although this isn’t necessary.

XinaA15 is now considered deprecated, and the Dopamine jailbreak is now the recommended iOS & iPadOS 15 jailbreak for arm64e devices.

Installing both XinaA15 and Dopamine on the same device is safe and easy, and it can even increase compatibility with existing jailbreak tweaks. However, if you prefer to stick to one jailbreak, it’s best to uninstall the other before installing a new one.

What Is Dopamine Jailbreak?

Dopamine jailbreak is a semi-untethered permasigned jailbreak for iOS 15. Dopamine jailbreak is a new jailbreak that was recently developed to enable jailbreaking on all modern iOS devices running iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.1, including A12+ models. The creator of this jailbreak, Lars Fröder, has built upon the original Fugu15 proof of concept that was released by Linus Henze.

One of the key differences between Dopamine jailbreak and Fugu15 is that Dopamine jailbreak provides enhanced functionality through the addition of tweak injection support and improved exploit performance. This feature is still under development and isn’t currently available. Dopamine jailbreak was designed with end-users in mind, enabling them to utilize Sileo and install tweaks specifically tailored for rootless jailbreaks.

Initially, Dopamine jailbreak was limited to iOS 15.4 – iOS 15.4.1, due to a Wi-Fi bug panic that could be triggered by user space rebooting on earlier versions, even when Wi-Fi was disabled. This issue was present in the Fugu15 jailbreak as well, with versions 15.0 through 15.3.1 exhibiting similar device freezing and restarts. However, the bug has now been fixed, allowing Dopamine jailbreak to support iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.4.1.

While Dopamine jailbreak still requires the disabling of Wi-Fi during the jailbreaking process on iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.3.1, a new commit has been introduced that allows Wi-Fi to be re-enabled once the jailbreak is complete. As Dopamine jailbreak continues to mature, this feature will be automatically handled by the app, thanks to arbitrary entitlements.

Dopamine jailbreak has undergone significant enhancements and upgrades, providing users with a host of new features. One of the most notable updates is the addition of support for userspace reboots, which can greatly improve the functionality of the jailbreak. The Dopamine jailbreak has also received an updated bootstrap to the latest version, and the system-wide hook has been improved to always respect safe mode, keeping the library out of DriverKit and BlastDoor processes. Additionally, the latest version of the Dopamine jailbreak prevents tweak injection into processes that could use fork.

Dopamine jailbreak includes default rootless repos such as Chariz, Havoc,, and BigBoss. Moreover, memory leaks in jailbreakd have been addressed, and the Dopamine jailbreak now properly fixes SSH as mobile. Another notable addition is the jbupdate functionality. The launchd hook has also been updated, with fallback ellekit properly implemented using rpaths. Additionally, more XinaA15 leftover files have been deleted on jailbreak to make a clean installation. Lastly, the Dopamine jailbreak release includes numerous stability improvements.

The goal of Dopamine jailbreak is to establish itself as a conventional jailbreak with tweak injection capabilities via the Ellekit tweak hooking library. The Dopamine jailbreak will be available as an IPA package that can be installed permanently with TrollStore.

iOS 15 Jailbreak Downloads [Latest iOS 15 Jailbreak Status]

Jailbreaking your iOS device can open up a world of possibilities, but finding the right jailbreak tool can be daunting. Here are some options for jailbreaking devices running iOS 15.0 – 16.4 (A11 and lower only / checkm8 devices), iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.5 Beta 2 (A12+ devices), and iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1.

🔰 PaleRa1n Jailbreak: The Fully Functional Tool for Jailbreaking iOS 15.0 – 16.4 (A11 and lower / checkm8 devices)

PaleRa1n Jailbreak is the latest addition to the iOS jailbreak community. It is a fully functional tool that supports tweaks and works like a normal jailbreak for iOS 15.0 – 16.4 on A11 and lower / checkm8 devices.

🔰 Fugu15 Max Jailbreak: The Ultimate Jailbreak Solution for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.5 Beta 2 (A12+ devices)

Fugu15 Max Jailbreak is a fork of Fugu15 currently being developed by opa334. It has the WiFi bug fixed and can have tweak injection thanks to ElleKit by @eveIyneee. An early Beta for tweak developers is now available, and a rough estimate for release is between 2-6 weeks.

🔰 XinaA15 Jailbreak With Tweaks: The Latest Full Public Jailbreak for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1 (A12+ devices)

Xina520’s XinaA15 Jailbreak with Tweaks has been released for A12+ devices. It is the latest full public jailbreak for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1 and is available for download.

🔰 FilzaEscaped15 and MiniRootFileManager15: The Rootless File Manager Alternatives for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1

FilzaEscaped15 and MiniRootFileManager15 are two rootless file manager alternatives for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1. FilzaEscaped15 is the Filza File Manager but doesn’t require a jailbreak, while MiniRootFileManager15 is an open-source alternative to FilzaEscaped15 that claims to be less buggy.

🔰 Unc0ver Team: No Public Updates Yet for iOS 15.0 – iOS 16.4

There have been no public updates from the Unc0ver Team for iOS 15.0 – iOS 16.4. It is unclear when they will release a jailbreak tool for these iOS versions.

Dopamine Jailbreak GitHub Source Code

Dopamine jailbreak is a semi-untethered and permasigned jailbreak tool for iOS 15, which is available on GitHub as open-source software. The source code of the Dopamine jailbreak is written in multiple languages, including Objective-C, Swift, and Makefile, to ensure smooth and reliable performance. With a success rate of 81.7%, Dopamine jailbreak is one of the most stable jailbreak tools for iOS 15 that can enhance the functionality of your iOS device.

Are Tweaks And Themes Compatible With Dopamine Jailbreak?

Yes, Dopamine Jailbreak supports tweak injection using ElleKit, an alternative to traditional methods like libhooker, Cydia Substrate, and Substitute.

The latest version of Sileo is also included, allowing you to browse and install tweaks and themes easily.

However, since Dopamine jailbreak IPA is a rootless jailbreak tool, only tweaks and themes that have been updated for rootless jailbreaks will work. Many tweak developers have already updated their packages, and most jailbreak repos support rootless tweak submissions.

You can find a compatible tweak list to get started, but there are many more available.

What Happened To Cydia On iOS 15 And Newer Jailbreaks?

Cydia is essentially dead on iOS 15 and newer jailbreaks, including Dopamine Jailbreak. The creator, saurik, has stopped maintaining it and some changes in iOS 15 have broken it completely.

Dopamine jailbreak IPA, like other modern jailbreaks, does not come with Cydia out of the box. Instead, it includes Sileo, the default package manager, which offers a more modern and user-friendly experience.

Even if Cydia was available on Dopamine Jailbreak, it is not recommended to use it. Other package managers such as Sileo, Zebra, and Installer 5 offer more features, faster performance, and better reliability. These package managers are built with newer technologies and are actively maintained by their developers.

If you’re used to using Cydia, you should definitely try out Sileo and other modern package managers to see the difference in performance and features. You may find that you prefer them over Cydia.

While it may be disappointing to see Cydia go, the newer package managers available on Dopamine Jailbreak and other modern jailbreaks offer a better user experience and should be the go-to options for jailbreak users.

What Devices And iOS Versions Are Compatible With Dopamine Jailbreak?

Dopamine Jailbreak is designed to jailbreak iOS 15.0 through iOS 15.4.1 on A12+ devices. This means that devices older than iPhone X are not supported by Dopamine Jailbreak.

If you have an older device, you may want to consider using palera1n instead, which supports up to iOS 16.4 with tweaks.

Where Can You Get the Latest Dopamine Jailbreak News?

Keep up with the latest updates and news about Dopamine Jailbreak by following the @iExmoJailbreak Twitter account. 

From new tweak releases to jailbreak tool updates, this account is the perfect source to stay informed about everything related to Dopamine Jailbreak. Plus, by following the account, you’ll be among the first to know about any important updates or announcements that may affect your jailbroken device. Stay in the loop and follow @iExmoJailbreak today!

Dopamine Jailbreak Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Dopamine Jailbreak special?

Dopamine is a rootless jailbreak method, which means that it does not require full access to your iOS device’s operating system. Currently, it is only available in a leaked version, as the official public release has not yet been made available.

Is Dopamine Jailbreak safe to use?

Yes, it is safe to use.

Does this new jailbreak tool support iOS 16 latest versions?

No, at the moment, Dopamine can only be used with iOS 15 versions.

Which iOS devices are not supported by Dopamine Jailbreak?

Non-arm64e devices are not supported by Dopamine Jailbreak.

Has Dopamine Jailbreak been tested on all iOS devices?

While not all devices have been tested, this method has been successfully tested on several iOS device models, including iPhone 13, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, and iPhone Xs Max.

What are the key features of Dopamine Jailbreak?

Dopamine Jailbreak has a number of key features, including automated handling of trust cache, implementation of libkrw with the capability to write to PPL-protected memory and kcalling primitives, and tweak injection through ElleKit.

How do Fugu15 Max Jailbreak and Dopamine Jailbreak differ from one another?

The only difference between Fugu15 Max and Dopamine Jailbreak is the name and user interface. Dopamine Jailbreak has a unique name and a next-level user interface.

Will Fugu15 Max still be available after Dopamine Jailbreak is released?

No, Fugu15 Max will be officially revoked after Dopamine Jailbreak is released.

Are there any differences in terms of supported iOS versions and devices?

No, all the code from Fugu15 Max, including the latest updates, is included in Dopamine. As a result, the tweaks that were compatible with Fugu15 Max will continue to work on Dopamine, and it will support the same iOS versions and devices.

What happens if I continue to use Fugu15 Max after Dopamine Jailbreak is released?

If you continue to use Fugu15 Max after Dopamine Jailbreak is released, it means you are using an outdated jailbreak method with limited features. It’s recommended to switch to Dopamine Jailbreak for the best experience and access to the latest features.

What is the latest news in the jailbreak world?

Nowadays, iPhone users are increasingly looking for rootless jailbreak methods instead of root jailbreak methods. As a result, Dopamine Jailbreak has been released as a rootless version for the first time, and jailbreak developers are creating tweaks that support rootless. Older tweaks are also being updated to support rootless.

What’s New In Dopamine Jailbreak

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.11

  • Fixed “Invalid kernel stack pointer” panics.
  • Applied forkfix for enhanced functionality.
  • Bug fix prevents trustcached issues in binary spawns.
  • Improved accuracy in execve systemwide hook.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.10

  • Resolved launchd killing issue during initial userspace reboot, preventing kernel panic.
  • Fixed rare bug triggering “Hide Jailbreak” button without pressing.
  • Addressed minuscule and rare memory leak for optimized performance.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.9 

  • Fixed a crash issue in jailbreakd while parsing certain files.
  • Improved dependency scanning for TrustCache.
  • Adjusted the behavior of execvp and execvP functions.


  • KFD Dopamine jailbreak now supports iOS 15.5.
  • Removed Wi-Fi fix requirement on iOS 15.0 – 15.1.1.
  • Different exploitation methods.
  • Note: This build is experimental and may have reliability issues.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.8 

  • Enhanced trustcaching machos handling for arm64e slices.
  • Resolved bugs in system-wide exec hooks to prevent malformed arguments and environment variables.
  • Fixed a path-finding bug in the execvP hook.
  • Added a previously missing execl hook.
  • All changes contributed by @RootHide.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.7 

  • Enhanced performance with a workaround to reduce spinlock timeout panics, credits to @RootHide.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.6

  • Updated bundled packages of Sileo and Zebra to their most latest versions, ensuring the latest features and security.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.5

  • Improved PPLRW (Physical Page List Read-Write) mechanisms for more accurate address translation, reducing potential process crashes caused by invalid physical addresses.
  • Debug logs from the 1.1.3 development phase have been removed, ensuring a cleaner and more efficient operation.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.4

  • Addressed reliability issues related to jailbreaking on A14 devices, resolving a regression introduced in version 1.1.3.
  • Optimized forkfix to load only when necessary, reducing spinlock panic occurrences to pre-1.1 levels. Note that tweaks with C function hooks may still trigger these panics. The full impact of this change is under evaluation, but it should not introduce new issues.

Dopamine IPA Version 1.1.3

  • OTA update will now cause your device to reboot (manual rejailbreak required).
  • Improved PPLRW method, fixing issues with multithreading and TLB.
  • Launchd crash reporter reenabled discreetly.
  • Hidden uninstall jailbreak button while jailbroken.
  • Fixed iDownload option not working.

Dopamine Version 1.1.2

  • Disabled launchd crash reporter to prevent triggering jailbreak detections and ensure a smoother user experience.
  • Disabled the jailbreak button when the device and version combination is unsupported, providing a more accurate and reliable user interface.

Dopamine Version 1.1

  • Improved PPLRW performance (~1000x)
  • Resolved forkfix issues, faster and reliable
  • Watchdogd hook for userspace panics
  • Unconditional process debugging with ptrace hook
  • Enhanced iDownload daemon for seamless functionality
  • Fixed “opainject not found” error
  • Refactored systemhook for better maintainability and more.

Dopamine Version 1.0.5

  • Fixing an issue with forkfix that caused problems while reinstalling dpkg. Now, you can reinstall dpkg without any hassle, thanks to the iOS Dopamine 1.0.5 update.
  • Automatic permission fixing of /private/preboot/<UUID> directory during jailbreaking to prevent issues with SSH and NewTerm. In case the permissions are incorrect, iOS Dopamine will automatically fix them, making your jailbreaking experience smoother.

Dopamine Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed forkfix leaking file descriptors under certain conditions, ensuring that the jailbreak operates smoothly and efficiently.
  • Adapted forkfix to be more similar to regular fork, making it easier for users to understand and work with.
  • Worked around an issue with dpkg-deb just randomly failing if forkfix is used, eliminating a frustrating bug.
  • Added an IPC hook, supporting system-wide access to mach services prefixed, providing users with even more customization options.
  • Updated fallback ellekit to 0.6.3, ensuring that the jailbreak remains up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies.
  • Made some UI improvements, enhancing the overall look and feel of the jailbreak for a more enjoyable user experience.

Dopamine Version 1.0.3

  • Improved jailbreakd memory efficiency and resolved minor memory leaks
  • Eliminated the inefficient method of disabling Jetsam for jailbreakd, which may have addressed spinlock panics.
  • Fixed an issue with the update option in the Dopamine app that prevented it from working when the device was not jailbroken
  • Increased the delay after disabling wifi on iOS 15.0-15.3.1, based on reports of improved success rate by some users.

Dopamine Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed system instability caused by forkfix regression. This issue caused system freezes when connected to a WPA Enterprise endpoint.
  • Renamed iDownload option to clarify that it’s a Developer shell.

Dopamine Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed issue where userspace reboot would get stuck when tweaks are disabled inside Dopamine app settings.
  • Attempted to fix an app crash.

Dopamine Version 1.0

  • Initial release of Dopamine Jailbreak.

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With Cowabunga Lite, you can enjoy iOS tweaks without jailbreaking. It’s compatible with the latest iOS version and lets you install tweaks and apps that you couldn’t get on the App Store. Read More »

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